Today our group did one of the most exciting things we’ve done this trip: repelling down the waterfalls.We rode 4x4’s out to where we geared up and headed to the first spot. We repelled down 5 different spots in the rainforest, and 4 out of the 5 we actually got to repel either next to or right on the waterfall. At the first spot, i was sort of nervous because I have never done something like this before. Zip lining is nothing like repelling down more than a 100ft waterfall. And repelling down rock walls is nothing like it at all. This was real, actual rocks in the middle of the rainforest. Getting fastened and starting to lean over the edge, was when the emotions really kicked in. Eventually I took a deep breath and did it. I knew once I did it once I could do it 4 more times effortlessly. And that’s how it ended up happening. Repelling down itself was exhilarating. I felt confident on the next four, even though I still wasn’t doing it right. I wasn’t the best at it, but it was still an amazing experience. I mean think about it, how many people can say they’ve been repelling down waterfalls in the middle of the rainforests of Costa Rica? Well now I’m one of those people who can say that I have.
--Carrie & Cera