Costa Rica - July 7-14

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chocolate making and Bananas

Yesterday we spent the day with the Bribri people at their organic station. They showed us how to make chocolate in the traditional way which was pretty cool. The cacao is ground with a big stone to remove the shells. To separate the shells from the ground cacao, the cacao is flipped in the air! The shells will be blown away while the cacao falls back into the container. It’s then ground further in a grinder and takes on the look of melted chocolate because the oils in the cacao are released. Condensed milk is then added along with sugar. The result tastes great with bananas! This was definitely something we won’t forget.flippingcacao  DSC_0720

~Carrie & Ceara


Programs Details

Duration 8 days
When July 7 - 14, 2010
Focus Ecology/Conservation